Events and Resources

Events and Resources

Events and Resources

We are committed to sharing our knowledge and industry insights by offering continuing education programs and legal resources.



Man sitting at a desk with a Gavel
REBROADCAST - Seeking Leave of the Court for Additional Experts
January 19, 2023 - 12:00 PM PST/1:00 PM MST

This program offers a thorough and relevant case law analysis relating to expert limitations in motor vehicle injury proceedings in both Alberta and British Columbia. Covering a comprehensive case law review in matters before the Court seeking leave for additional experts...

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Seeking leave of the court for additional experts
Seeking Leave of the Court for Additional Experts
October 27th, 2022 - 12:00 PM PST/1:00 PM MST

This program offers a thorough and relevant case law analysis relating to expert limitations in motor vehicle injury proceedings in both Alberta and British Columbia. Covering a comprehensive case law review in matters before the Court seeking leave for additional experts...

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